Monday, October 23, 2006


Hello! I am Aga and i delighted to be part of this blog. I am Polish , yet I have been living in Britain since 2003. 6 months ago my husband, Steve and I bought our first home together and as the house is fair size ( and has blue front door , ha ha), it can accomodate all my treasures and still have space for more...I i have plenty of excuses to browse, hunt,search , buy , transform, create...
I love things that are meaningful to me and make me smile everytime i look at them , or the photos I take of them ... there is nothing better than finding "everyday "treasures...old cups , tablecloths, tables, chairs, bowls... and adopting them :)

on this photo there is a tablecloth found in a second hand shop in Poland , that cost the equivalent of 2$, a bowl from a friend, and some raspberries from a local market. and together they complement each other and look like a prefect trio of friends :) well. sort of more of a team as there is more than one raspberry...

there are a few shops / charity shops etc here in UK where I love walking among the shelves , boxes and just being among those vintage objects , materials, and in the company of fabulous colours, textures, etc.....
I also love sales and the idea that you get more for less , and that something might have waited for you so looooong , and can be yours.

have a great day everyone ***


Anonymous said...

oh dear aga! im so excited to see what you will write about, and your lovely home with the sweet blue door is adorable! :)

emily august said...

I love that picture! Nice balance and texture. I would be interested to read about what else you've thrifted in Poland, since I am of that descent.