Sunday, March 11, 2007

vintage wallpaper coasters

i love this idea from martha stewart to take scraps of vintage wallpaper to decorate glass coasters. how many of us already have the materials lying around? simply affix the paper scrap with mod podge to the bottom of a plain glass square and add felt dots to protect surfaces.

i wish i had held onto a few sections from the insane myriad of layers in our first home. i peeled back the decades in that house, just the breakfast nook alone had eight layers all pasted on top of each other! the best was that first original paper, a pretty green pattern that i would have left up if it were still in good condition. (it is almost identical to the example above!) to add to this idea, you could also use images from children's storybooks or vintage cookbooks that are usually in abundance at thrift stores. tie it up in pretty ribbon and you also have a wonderful gift! more detailed instructions.


Unknown said...

Fantastic idea! I'll have to try this. :)

Aimz said...

Such a great idea! :-)

Erin Lang Norris said...


i'm so happy to see that you've been updating this blog! i was missing it.

Anonymous said...

i made these and they turned out great! the hardest part was finding the glass. i ended up having my hardware store cut it for me and i sanded down the edges and added extra modge podge along the borders to prevent cuts.

Unknown said...

She did the same thing with pressed autumn leaves and pressed flowers. i love the idea. i can never find those darn tiles though.