Monday, December 04, 2006

the luck of the thrift

turned wood bowl
turned wood bowl, found for 60 cents.

i've been thinking lately how miraculous it is to find beautiful things at the thrift shops, the hands and processes that items must go through to get there. a friend of mine recently revealed treasure after treasure that she acquired from an elderly family friend's house who was going into a senior's home. the lovely old lady had told my friend's family that they could take whatever they liked from the (very packed full of junk/treasures, she was an obsessive hoarded for many years) house and was paying someone to come in and clean up the remainder. we both agreed that the man who was cleaning out the house would take anything of value to auction and then dump whatever leftovers at the Salvation Army. it made me realize the line of people that these things go through, the line of people who don't recognize their beauty and worth, before they appear before MY eyes. in this case, my friend's family had first pick and they all came away with amazing things - furniture, old washbasins, a 60s chrome toaster still in the box, many old tins, etc - then the clean-up man would have had his pick of the still many vintage goodies, then the bits that made it to the thrift shop would no doubtedly be given the once over by the staff there. it's amazing that anything good makes it through to the shelves, really, and makes every find that much sweeter.


Anonymous said...

A lot of the old knick knacks can be converted into really beautiful artful pieces of art and used to accesorise any piece of furniture. I love visiting such garage sales and yard sales. Too bad I haven't had the luck like your friend to just pick out the treasures desired.

Primrose & Tumbleweeds said...

As an antiques dealer I have often wished that these treasures could talk. Tell us their story of where they've been, what they've seen. I think that would just be amazing. I often sit and wonder, as I admire a beautiful object - what path it has traveled to get to me.

Heidi said...

Yes, I often think of this too. And I try to keep the original owners in my thoughts and prayers as I enjoy their item!

j. vorwaller said...

and oh my, just the photo of it is gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad. We place so much of ourselves in our possessions sometimes, and then just to have them discarded or brushed aside seems really tragic. Especially when it's old photographs. I wish objects could talk also, and could tell us who they have encountered, and all the history.